Live-Rates is 100% Free!
Only a small fraction of our users are paying subscribers. Know more in this article..
Very frequently we are contacted from users who are looking to know more about our pricing structure.
They become very happy and surprising when we tell them that live-rates is in fact FREE for up to 3 requests / hour.
To give you some insights, we have at the moment 200+ subscribers, or in other words, clients who are making requests authenticated because they need data updated every second.
The curious part is that the remaining part, more than 90% of Live-Rates users are anonymous / unauthenticated users.
If your solution / website does not need quotes updated every second, join Live-Rates today for FREE, and boost your development with our reliable and easy to use service.
Our mission is to keep you focused on what is really important for your business, and let this annoying part with us.